Well, I didn’t make it to Jasmin by the end of April, so I missed using my 40$ off coupon and on top of it I forgot the 20$ coupon at home when I went today. Oh, well. I still had a great time picking and choosing flowers for my garden. I bought quite a few shade plants for the front yard, which I’ve decided is not going to be just ground cover. I suddenly thought, nope, it’s going to be hostas, heuchera, and bleeding hearts, amongst other things. I will make it a garden of earthly delights and it will be the envy of all who pass. That’s the ambitious plan for now, anyway.
Next week I’m planning a trip to my colleague, Ginny’s garden to help her with whatever jobs she has on the agenda. I’ve been wanting to see her garden forever. The orchestra is off this week, so time to get some serious gardening done.
I’m excited to have a hibiscus for my deck! It’s a gorgeous yellow one. It will be given a place of honour and a home in my handsomest pot. I just hope it will last until after “all threat of frost has passed”, which is usually around the 24th but this year with the winter we’ve had, who knows? I will remember to bring it in if the weather goes chilly. (Please, please!) Tomorrow we’re expecting rain, but I intend to do some gardening anyway. I have to get some things in the ground and some grass seed spread around. I also have a plentiful crop of dandelions to dig up. It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, right? Time to cash in some “Help Mom” coupons!
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