I already wrote a short post on honeybees a few months ago, but I’ve been reading a lot about them lately, as well as watching videos on their incredible organizational abilities . Once you start reading about bees you can’t avoid coming across something about the phenomenon known as “colony collapse disorder (CCD)” since it is...
Category: Gardening
Still basking in Autumn’s glow!
My gardening and music colleague, Ginny, gave me a box of divided plants she had no place for in her garden. I was very happy to discover what was in the box, it was like Christmas! Some Autumn Joy sedum, bugleweed, yellow yarrow, a lavender and a couple of others. I got them planted in...
Rainy Day
After reading a post by Mr. Money Mustache (MMM) called The Low Information Diet, I was inspired to try to limit my use of Facebook, since I’m somewhat addicted to it, and to spend more of my time in activities, as opposed to past-times. Ironically, the inspiration to change my habits comes not only from...
Lasagna Method Fail
Okay, the jury is still out, but I’m a little disappointed in the results (so far) of my lasagna method for ridding my front lawn of grass. As one reader put it, “you can cover up that grass with black tarp and red mulch and stones and it will still find a way to live!”...
Praying Mantises!!
Yesterday, when my son, Travis, and I were doing a bit of gardening, I happened to notice an odd shaped leaf and as I continued to study it, it moved! If you didn’t read my earlier post about this, I hung an egg sac of praying mantises on my lilac tree back in the spring,...
Autumn Challenges
I’m ashamed to realize it’s been almost a month since my last blog post. This should be a good time of year to be doing a lot of gardening and therefore, for me, a lot of writing about it. However, I’ve been back at work for a couple of weeks and, geez, that takes up...
Back care for the (Lazy) Gardener
I swung my legs over the side of the bed on Sunday morning and immediately felt a muscle spasm. I felt one more, then it subsided; so I rolled out my yoga mat and lay down, face first, to let my back relax. After a few minutes I tried getting up, and that was successful...
Phase One Complete!
I’m excited to show you the “after pictures” of Phase 1 of my project. Before I go any further I want to thank Virginia, my colleague in music and in gardening, for her amazing help yesterday. I definitely recommend doing this kind of project with a friend. It’s more fun and of course, proceeds much...
Neighbourhood Gardens
Before I start my big garden project tomorrow, I thought I’d share a few photos I’ve taken of a couple of neighbourhood gardens. The first two are of the side yard up the street that I mentioned in my previous post. The cosmos are splendid in both photos. In the first one you can see...
Garden Project: “Before” Pictures
Here are the promised “Before” pictures of my front yard. Tomorrow, with help from a friend and fellow gardener (thanks, Virginia!),and possibly from my champion digger husband, Dave, I’ll start work on my biggest garden project to date, including a small stone wall and maybe a rock garden. After some initial pondering and head-scratching, I’m...