Hello from Away

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imageActually, I haven’t been physically away much, only spiritually.  I have been in and out of the garden over the summer, but I have done little actual gardening.  Whenever I walk through I marvel at how things are doing without my active participation.  Things look a little overgrown and messy, but also wild and beautiful.  I am grateful to the wonderful plants who continue to thrive ( or not, depending) and I throw them kisses as I pass.  The only plants that have had consistent attention are the ones in the pots on my deck.  Without some water and food they would have died long since and we spend more time on our deck than in the garden, so…

I’m not sure how to explain my sudden lack of interest in gardening, and, even more puzzling, my lack of guilt.  Having made a decision to take a step back this year, I’m feeling quite free.  I’ve done the absolute minimum and it feels good.  I’ve come to realize that it’s only me that has been burdening myself with the obligation to create something magnificent out of the back forty.  I can just as easily decide not to continue to carry that burden.  Nobody gives a hoot one way or another.  The only real victims are  two rose bushes that are doing abysmally  due to my neglect.  It’s making me think they might have to be yanked.  I’m sorry they aren’t happy, but it appears they aren’t hardy enough to take it so they may have to be sacrificed.  Most of the rest of the crew are quite happy with the status quo.

Wait, a couple of other exceptions spring to mind.  The raspberries are doing very poorly.  Lack of water, compost and sun are the probably culprits.  If I really want to see results I’ll have to transplant them. (Probability? Zero).  The front garden’s victims are the Astilbe.  They need much more watering than they have received this year. They were probably a poor choice for that spot under the maple tree.  Next year I’ll think of some alternatives…maybe. Some of the hostas are looking a bit yellow around the edges but I’m pretty sure they’ll survive.  They probably needed a bit more actual watering and quite a bit less watering from the neighbourhood dogs.

All of a sudden October is here and that signals the end of the growing season.  I’m always sorry to see it go.  I hate facing all the closing up, shutting off, cutting back, bringing in, etc, etc.  It makes me very depressed as it signals another winter approaching,image and winters are hard around here, as you may know. There’s nothing for it, though.  Time takes no prisoners, has no compassion, waits for nothing.  Onward we go.  Let’s embrace the beautiful, cold sunny days ahead, under the brilliant blue sky that exists practically at no other time and place.  Before that we’ll embrace the beauty of the autumn colours.  We have much to be grateful for.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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