The wonderful world of computers I think the word to describe my state is “nonplussed”. I’ve been using my iPad for so long that I’ve forgotten many simple procedures on the computer. My husband gave me his old Macbook Pro and it works well, but in some ways the iPad is simpler, or I was just used to it. I was hoping that for editing my blog posts the computer would make things easier but so far I’m not so sure. Dave keeps laughing at me as I ask him for help finding things on the computer and changing the...
A Visit from another Season
Today was a weird day. Not in a bad way, but, still, weird. First of all, I woke up at 9:30, having gone to sleep at 11:30, with one hour of wakefulness in the middle of the night. That is an insane amount of sleep for me. I’m very happy if I get between 6-7 hours per night usually. The long sleep might have been due to a huge Thanksgiving day feast and too much wine the night before. It’s possible. So, it started off a bit weird, plus I was a shade hungover, not going to lie, which...
Hydrangeas and Colourwork sweaters
I’m not quite ready to abandon the gardening aspect of my blog for the year, because I have an update! I spent a tranquil hour at Jasmin yesterday, wandering between the aisles of plants, vacillating between hydrangea cultivars (if that’s the word I want). I was drawn towards one called hydrangea paniculata Fire light because of its gorgeous pink and white blooms. It was unfortunate that I was shopping when some of the plants were past their best bloom times, so perhaps it wasn’t a fair competition. I definitely chose with my heart and not with my head. I hope I...
Wherein I make plans and discuss projects
It’s September and the gardening season is winding to a close, just as I’m thinking of doing some after a long, hot summer of avoiding garden work like the plague! Aside from a couple of good days of weeding and dead-heading, I have done very little. On the other hand, amazingly, the garden is still giving me a great deal of visual delight. I worry about invading plants/weeds that have come out of nowhere, but the plants that are the tried and true warriors are still there, blooming and beautiful. I feel a bit of déjà vu here but I...
Garden renovations
A renovation is a renewal and in this case, out with the old, in with the new. I have been displeased with a couple of spots in the garden for a few years now and I’ve finally taken the bull by the horns and dug out one of the offending areas. The major problem with the bed in question is that an invasive ground cover has been infiltrating my garden from across the fence for a long time now and I didn’t take the trouble to check it early enough. What I should have done was pull it out every...
My elusive Gardening Mojo is back!
It’s high time I wrote a little bit about the Tranquil Garden. Here it is, June 6th, and I’m probably halfway through my yearly gardening frenzy. I know my enthusiasm will wane as the temperature soars, but right now I’m in love with the garden and have all kinds of plans. I’ve been spending some time cleaning up the borders of my favourite flower beds, pulling up the weeds and grass that have jumped those borders during the winter when they were supposed to be asleep. I moved a couple of plants to better spots, and divided a blue flag...
Spring into Summer
If it’s spring then it must be time to post on my gardening/knitting blog. I recently renewed my Blue Host account, which means I’m committed to this website for the next three years. I haven’t been posting enough to really make the cost worth it, but I don’t want to lose all of the work I’ve done on this site for so many years. Also, I’d be losing The Lee-Martin Blog Solution site and that affects the whole family, who periodically write very interesting posts on that site. I encourage you to check them out. So, the calendar says it’s...
Cardigans as a Functional Element
Ornamental Plants for The Yard
New Adventures in Knitting
So, I started a video blog! (Vlog? Podcast? Whatever!) It’s called “The Guilty Knitter” and it’s like a snapshot of what’s going on in my (knitting) life right now with a focus on particular projects I’m working on with discussion about the challenges they provide. I also like to tie in my music life, because believe it or not, when I’m sitting in the orchestra counting rests, it often makes me think of knitting. Counting rests=counting stitches? I may just have a weird brain, but there are similarities! I’ve just published my second episode and I’m quite excited by...