Category: Gardening

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Garden renovations

A renovation is a renewal and in this case, out with the old, in with the new.  I have been displeased with a couple of spots in the garden for a few years now and I’ve finally taken the bull by the horns and dug out one of the offending areas.  The major problem with...


My elusive Gardening Mojo is back!

It’s high time I wrote a little bit about the Tranquil Garden.  Here it is, June 6th, and I’m probably halfway through my yearly gardening frenzy.  I know my enthusiasm will wane as the temperature soars, but right now I’m in love with the garden and have all kinds of plans. I’ve been spending some...


Spring into Summer

If it’s spring then it must be time to post on my gardening/knitting blog.  I recently renewed my Blue Host account, which means I’m committed to this website for the next three years.  I haven’t been posting enough to really make the cost worth it, but I don’t want to lose all of the work...


November Beauty

If the title of this post seems like an oxymoron to you, I’m not surprised.  I have a long(ish) and difficult relationship with the month of November.  It’s always seemed to me like the most depressing, grey, cold, lifeless month of the year.  On the other hand, my dear father, who died in 2011, was...


More confessions of a lazy (and distracted) gardener

I was in London, England, having a wonderful time visiting my daughter for eight days, got back on Saturday.  Since then, I have looked at the Tranquil Garden, walked through it, took note of a few chores to do, watered my planters, which were in dire need; but not much else has  been accomplished. I...


Neighbourhood Inspiration

When I’m out walking or biking I’m constantly distracted, delighted and entertained by what other people are doing in their gardens.  Sometimes I like what I see and even stop to take a picture, other times I’m dying to pull out a huge weed that’s marring an otherwise lovely flower bed.  You never know what someone...


Confessions of a Lazy Gardener

This is just a quick confessional update, in which I lay bare the truth about my gardening habits.  In the middle of the summer, no matter what the weather (since I can’t blame the heat this year, there isn’t any), I just don’t get out to do any serious gardening very often.  I do my...


Drawn by Beauty

Every day, when I have the time, I take a turn about the garden.  It’s not exactly an acreage so this walkabout takes about five minutes if I walk slowly and examine things minutely.  I like to do it while I’m drinking my coffee in the morning, but I often don’t get to it until...


Another Rainy Day

Okay, it’s been rainy, cold, and… not sunny and warm.  I’ve heard people complain that we haven’t experienced summer yet at all this year in Montreal.  While I understand their pain, sort of, I can’t help being thankful that it’s not blistering hot and there’s no snow on the ground.  For these two things I’m...


More on Dastardly Weeds

A quick update on my last post. The weed I was worried about is probably (98% sure) not Japanese knotweed, according to a friend of mine who had it in her previous garden. She looked at the pictures and assures me it isn’t it. I’m waiting until she sees it IRL (in real life) before...