Collateral Effects of the current sitch

Collateral Effects of the current sitch

So, it’s what, Day 23? Something like that. It’s fascinating to observe things, some that are coming out of my psyche, some physical observations, plus seeing choices I make start to change to fit the circs. Here are some random observations I’ve made. I had already put off going to the hairdresser for many weeks before that choice was suddenly off the table, so now my hair is growing wilder all the time. I’ve always hated calling for appointments and I have a phone aversion in general, (although that’s changing, more on that later.) so I’m enjoying the fact that...

Creativity in the time of corona

I’ve been thinking a lot about the nature of creativity these days. It struck me when Dave (my musician husband) was feeling badly about himself because he hadn’t done any composing that day, that I never feel badly about not composing. The fact is, I’ve never felt the least natural impulse to compose, never been struck with a musical idea that had to get out there. So, when it comes to composing, I’m off the hook, as it were. On the other hand, if I have an idea for a blog post and I ignore it for a couple of...

Day 10

Okay, after my “try-to-stay-positive” post of a few days ago, I had a really bad day yesterday. Nothing happened to me; I didn’t get sick, find out I lost my job, or run out of toilet paper, but I was still feeling bummed out (no pun intended) all day. I’ve been trying to emulate Dave, who has been turning off his devices for 12 hours, between 10 p.m. and 10 a.m.. and that’s been great– even with constant cheating I’m not looking at my phone nearly as much as usual. (Update: my helpful iPad stats say that my social media...

the New Normal

This may be a temporary state, but if it lasts long enough it’ll feel like normalcy. This is day six by my count since I (and scads of others) have had my work canceled and the powers that be have told us to kindly stay away from one another. Ordinarily I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and if given three weeks off with no notice I would be ecstatic. In this case I feel far from ecstatic, no surprise there. First there was the awkward switching of the gears in my head from feeling dread...

Blogging frustrations

If you have ever had a blog or a website, you know that it takes a certain amount of patience and persistence to maintain it. Not to mention money. I know there are free blog sites available, but I’ve had this one for a long time, I’m quite attached to it and I understand how to use it (for the most part), so I’m loathe to start over with something new. However, I’m coming up against some issues right now that are making me look again at the possibility of deleting my website and trying something else. It’s mostly about...

The Road Not taken

Someone asked me lately whether I regretted having children so young (I was 25 when Erica was born, 28, with Travis). It’s not the first time I’ve been asked, and I usually just brush off the question, because the easy answer is no. However, this time I paused and thought about the major milestones of my life. What would my life look like had I not chosen those paths, or had they not chosen me? I have no regrets about getting married and having children in my twenties and basically missing 80’s culture. (I’ve often answered, when someone mentions a...

Why women of “A Certain Age” might “Let themselves go”

Right up front I’ll admit that I’m one of those women. I’m “that age” and “I’m letting things go”. Occasionally I ask myself if I should be trying a little harder, but let’s walk through why I’m tempted not to. First of all, let’s talk about makeup. I’ve never worn much makeup and now when I do wear it, it’s two years old and makes my eyes water. So, do I buy new makeup, wear it for a special occasion and then two years later repeat the same scenario? Seems silly, so when a special occasion comes around, my hand...

On with the new!

Happy 2020, dear readers! I haven’t written a word in ages so it really seems time to rectify that. It is the beginning of the year, the decade and already getting close to the middle of the first month. How does that happen so fast? We had a really special holiday with our children and their spouses here at The Plex. We had three weeks with Erica and her husband, Neil, and ten days of that we also had Travis and Allison here. It was at the same time challenging and wonderful to be all together under one roof. We...

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today it’s both. Double whammy. I’ve been thinking about how things like rainy days can affect one’s mood and outlook. It can be hard to handle, especially considering the month of November is the gloomiest on the calendar, in my opinion. I’ve always seen it that way… the leaves are gone…the snow hasn’t arrived to brighten things up.. the days will often be rainy and grey. It’s a difficult time of year for a lot of people. Twenty years ago this October a student of mine took his own life. His name was Laurent Boucher and he was a talented...

heat wave Gardening

The heat is getting to me. I even have A/C (not central, but still, it helps…) and I still feel it. I went to a class at the gym and then to the bank and I’m still recovering hours later. I looked at the temperature and it’s a mere 30C, I can’t even fathom how people live with the kind of temperatures that are soaring in Europe, where they’re not accustomed to it, and many other places where they are. My garden is managing to survive it, with a little help from my hose and sprinkler. It is so hot...