Category: Social commentary

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Which hill would you die on?

I find it overwhelming how many options there are.  The hill of social injustice, the hill of veganism, the hill of plastic, the hills of avocados or almonds, the hill of endangered animals, of world hunger, of animal cruelty, abortion rights, and climate change, to name a few.   For Dave and I, it’s veal. ...


Thoughts on Truth and Reconciliation

Since the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation has just passed here in Canada, the topic of Residential Schools has been on my mind.  Coincidentally, my book club met on September 30th, the very day. Our book choice was “The Splendid and the Vile” by Eric Larsson.  It’s a historical book describing the years...


Gratitude and Mourning

The pandemic has made most of us realize how much of “normal” life we took for granted. In retrospect I’m grateful for the things that I mourn the loss of: casual dinners with friends, birthday parties, Thanksgiving with 12 guests for dinner, all of whom decide to congregate in the overheated kitchen, and the list...


Waking up

Every time I start a blog post in the last two months I make a good start, but by the next news cycle or after I watch something educational and meaningful about Black Lives, I have to delete so much that I give up. I can’t keep ahead of what’s happening, either outside or inside...

Collateral Effects of the current sitch

Collateral Effects of the current sitch

So, it’s what, Day 23? Something like that. It’s fascinating to observe things, some that are coming out of my psyche, some physical observations, plus seeing choices I make start to change to fit the circs. Here are some random observations I’ve made. I had already put off going to the hairdresser for many weeks...


the New Normal

This may be a temporary state, but if it lasts long enough it’ll feel like normalcy. This is day six by my count since I (and scads of others) have had my work canceled and the powers that be have told us to kindly stay away from one another. Ordinarily I’m not one to look...


Aging ain’t all bad

I thought I’d do a short series on aging since it’s on my mind lately. There are obvious downsides to it (check my previous post here), but there are many upsides and I thought I’d do a couple of posts focusing on those. Most of us know the downsides, but if I remember being young...